Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Gamma Knife RadioSurgery in India – Most Advanced Treatment for Brain Tumors in India

Gamma knife is now the most accepted and widely used radio surgery treatment in the world for brain tumours. About half a million people have been treated with Gamma knife surgery, and it's the only Radiation Therapy System cleared by the FDA for irradiating brain metastases. Gamma knife surgery, despite the name, there is no blade or knife - it's called Gamma knife because radio surgery (one-session treatment) has such a dramatic and precise effect in the target zone that the changes are considered 'surgical.' So there's no incision or blood, and minimal risk of complications. The device aims gamma radiation through a target point in the patient's brain. The patient wears a specialized helmet that is surgically fixed to the skull, so that the brain tumor remains stationary at the target point of the gamma rays. An ablative dose of radiation is thereby sent through the tumor in one treatment session, while surrounding brain tissues are relatively spared.

 Radiosurgery uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors, delivered precisely to avoid damaging healthy brain tissue. Gamma Knife radiosurgery is able to accurately focus many beams of high-intensity gamma radiation to converge on one or more tumors. Each individual beam is of relatively low intensity, so the radiation has little effect on intervening brain tissue and is concentrated only at the tumor itself.

 GammaKnife radiosurgery has proven effective for patients with benign or malignant brain tumors up to 4 centimeters in size, vascular malformations such as an arteriovenous malformation (AVM), pain or other functional problems.

The risks of gamma knife radiosurgery treatment are very low, and complications are related to the condition being treated. Gamma-Ray Stereotactic Treatment System. The Gamma Knife instrument put many gamma-ray beams from different angles and directions irradiate to body, making them all together to form the focus point. Since each dose of radiation beam is very small, it basically does not cause damage to human tissues which it through. As long as the ray focuses on the lesion, it can be as precise as a scalpel to destroy the lesion, with no trauma, no hemorrhage, no infection, no pain, and also reach rapid, safe, reliable magical effect.

Why is gamma knife surgery performed? 

Your doctor may recommend gamma knife surgery to treat some diseases and conditions of the brain. Your doctor may recommend gamma knife surgery to treat:
  • Acoustic neuroma, a tumor of the nerve between the brain and the ear
  • Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) and other blood vessel disorders in the brain
  • Brain tumors including some types of malignant and benign tumors
  • Some types of cancer of the eye
  • Epilepsy caused by a brain tumor. A brain tumor that causes epilepsy may be treated with gamma knife surgery if medications do not control seizures.
  • Parkinson’s disease, a brain disorder that leads to uncontrollable shaking, muscle stiffness, and severe problems with coordination and balance
  • Trigeminal neuralgia, a nerve disorder causing debilitating face pain

  • No incisions, No general anesthesia.

  • The lesion being treated receives a high dose of radiation with minimum risk to nearby tissue and structures..

  • The absence of an incision eliminates the risk of haemorrhage and infection.

  • A secure head frame ensures safety and accuracy within half a millimeter

  • Hospitalization is short, typically an overnight stay or an outpatient surgical procedure. Patients can immediately resume their previous activities.

  • Patients go home usually on the same day (time lost from employment is minimal)

Friday, 17 January 2014

Prostate cancer is the Most common cancer found in Men

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer found in men, and the second leading cause of men's cancer deaths. Given those rates, it would seem like a screening test that can catch the disease early would be a major boon to medical care.  However, it hasn't been that simple.

The PSA test is a blood test that looks for a specific protein that is only produced by the prostate. The higher the levels of PSA, the more likely the person has prostate cancer.  If someone is found to have an elevated level, they are often recommended to have a biopsy taken from their prostate. This involves inserting 12 needles into the prostate using an ultrasound and taking a random sampling of tissue.  It seemed as though it would be the answer to help us identify earlier cancers .Before the PSA test, being diagnosed with prostate cancer was almost a death sentence. Now, 16 percent of men are diagnosed, but only 3 percent succumb to the disease.

The problem is that the majority of tumors are not significant enough to warrant treatment. One study suggested that 40 percent of men who receive a positive test result have a cancer too slow-growing to be deadly. The biopsies, radiation, surgery and other treatments can cause serious side effects, including impotence, incontinence and other complications -- even death.

Unlike pancreatic cancer or lung cancer, as the statistics show, many of these [prostate] cancers are not significant. They would be best not diagnosed. Previously, men over the age of 75 were advised not to get the test.

However, some experts believe that the PSA test should still play a role. Without using the blood test, the only method left to check for prostate cancers is a digital rectal exam, when a doctor checks the prostate through the rectum using his or her fingers. Some tumors can be felt, but not others, and they are often discovered too late.

Doctors need to is “screen smarter.” He suggested still using the PSA test and then repeating it to reconfirm if a high PSA score is detected. Doctors could use an advanced MRI scan to try and locate the tumor, rather than going in blindly for a biopsy.

In some cases, a man might not need a biopsy unless their PSA scores keep increasing or they have significant family history. In other instances, the MRI could help guide doctors to get more accurate biopsies. The goal, he explained, is to “identify those cancers that need to be diagnosed and need to be treated as opposed to all of those insignificant cancers that the current way we are doing things is leading to.

Minimally Invasive Laser Prostate Surgery for Prostate Cancer Green Light Laser PVP :

Green Light Laser Therapy is a minimally invasive treatment option that combines the effectiveness of the traditional surgical procedure known as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). The GreenLight laser system delivers the ultimate BPH solution GreenLight is suitable for most patients with an enlarged prostate, the GreenLight procedure is creating a new standard of care — a standard that offers freedom from enlarged prostate / Prostate cancer symptoms .Most patients return home a few short hours after the GreenLight procedure and can return to normal, non-strenuous activities within days. The advantages of this approach over the traditional TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate) are many: Rapid urine flow improvement,Quick return to normal activities ,Virtually bloodless procedure , Outpatient procedure in otherwise healthy patients.

  • Radiotherapy :Radiotherapy uses high energy waves to treat cancer. If your cancer has not spread beyond the prostate gland you can have radiotherapy to try to cure it. This is called radical radiotherapy. This type of treatment involves giving a high dose of radiation to the prostate gland.

  • Chemotherapy :Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to cure or control cancer. Chemotherapy may be used if your cancer has spread beyond the prostate and is no longer controlled by hormone therapy. In some cases, chemotherapy will improve your quality of life with better control of your symptoms.

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Friday, 10 January 2014

Factors that may increase your risk of Colon Cancer

Causes and risk factors of colon and rectal cancer

Age : – About 90 percent of people diagnosed with colon cancer are older than 50. Colon cancer can occur in younger people, but it occurs much less frequently.

A personal history of colorectal cancer or polyps : – If you’ve already had colon cancer or adenomatous polyps, you have a greater risk of colon cancer in the future.

Inflammatory intestinal conditions : – Long-standing inflammatory diseases of the colon, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, can increase your risk of colon cancer.

Inherited disorders that affect the colon : – Genetic syndromes passed through generations of your family can increase your risk of colon cancer. These syndromes cause only about 5 percent of all colon cancers. One genetic syndrome called familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a rare disorder that causes you to develop thousands of polyps in the lining of your colon and rectum.

If you notice any symptoms of colon cancer, such as blood in your stool or a persistent change in bowel habits, see your doctor as soon as possible. Keep in mind that colorectal cancer can occur in younger as well as older people. If you’re at high risk, don’t wait until symptoms appear. See your doctor for regular screenings.

Talk to your doctor about when you should begin screening for colon cancer. Guidelines generally recommend colon cancer screenings begin at age 50. Your doctor may recommend more frequent or earlier screening if you have other risk factors, such as a family history of the disease.


Most colon cancers develop from adenomatous polyps. Screening can detect polyps before they become cancerous. Screening may also detect colon cancer in its early stages when there is a good chance for cure.

You may be embarrassed by the screening procedures, worried about discomfort or afraid of the results. Discuss your screening options and your concerns with your doctor. Most procedures are only moderately uncomfortable, and working with a doctor you like and trust can help ease your embarrassment…

If your doctor suspects you may have colon cancer based on your signs and symptoms, he or she may recommend colonoscopy to look for colon cancer. Colonoscopy allows your doctor to look for polyps or unusual areas in your colon. Your doctor can also remove a sample of tissue from your colon to look for cancer cells. In some cases, barium enema or flexible sigmoidoscopy may be used to diagnose colon cancer.

The type of treatment your doctor recommends will depend largely on the stage of your cancer. The three primary treatment options are: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

  • Surgery :Surgery is the mainstay of treatment and involves in block removal of diseased segment with adequate margins, surrounding tissue and lymph nodes. The names given to such resections are right hemicolectomy, transverse colectomy, left hemicolectomy, sigmoid colectomy, and subtotal colectomy:
  • Polypectomy : If the cancer is found in a polyp (a small piece of bulging tissue), the polyp is often removed during a colonoscopy.
  • Local excision : If the cancer is found on the inside surface of the rectum and has not spread into the wall of the rectum, the cancer and a small amount of surrounding healthy tissue is removed.
  • Resection : If the cancer has spread into the wall of the rectum, the section of the rectum with cancer and nearby healthy tissue is removed. Sometimes the tissue between the rectum and the abdominal wall is also removed. The lymph nodes near the rectum are removed and checked under a microscope for signs of cancer.
  • Pelvic exenteration : If the cancer has spread to other organs near the rectum, the lower colon, rectum, and bladder are removed.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Lung Cancer Treatment Options in India

A Lung Cancer is when out-of-control cell growth occurs in one or both lungs. The cancer can arise in any part of the lung, but majority of it arises in the epithelial cells, which are the lining of the Bronchi and bronchioles i.e. the larger and the smaller airways of the lungs. Lung cancer is predominantly a disease of the elderly almost 70% of people diagnosed with lung cancer are over 65 years of age.

LungCancer is largely classified into two main types based on the cancer's appearance under a microscope viz. Small Cell Carcinoma which accounts for only 20% of the total lung cancers and Non small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) which accounts for 80% of lung cancers.
 Small cell carcinoma : It generally starts in one of the larger breathing tubes, grows fairly rapidly, and is likely to be large by the time of diagnosis.

·         Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) :It is further classified into the following:

o       Epidermoid carcinoma or Squamous cell carcinoma: It forms in the lining of the bronchial tubes and it usually starts from one of the larger breathing tubes and grows relatively slowly.

o    Adenocarcinoma: It starts forming in the mucus-producing glands of the lungs. It is most common type of lung cancer that occurs in Women’s and Non-smokers.

o    Large cell caracinoma: This kind of NSCLC initiates near the surface of the lung and it grows rapidly.

There are usually no signs or symptoms in lung cancer. 

The main symptoms of lung cancer are listed below:

·         A cough that doesn’t go away after two or three weeks
·         A long-standing cough that gets worse
·         Persistent chest infections
·         Coughing up blood
·         Persistent breathlessness
·         Loss of appetite or unexplained weight loss

Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are all used to treat lung cancer. They can each be used alone or together. Your doctor will plan the best treatment for you. Some people with advanced non small cell lung cancer may have biological therapy.

The treatment for non small cell lung cancer is different from the treatment for small cell lung cancer.
Small cell lung cancer is mostly treated with chemotherapy. Surgery is only suitable if there is no sign that the cancer has spread to the lymph glands in the centre of the chest (the mediastinal lymph glands) and this is rare with small cell lung cancer. It has usually spread at the time of diagnosis. So chemotherapy is usually the main treatment. You may also have radiotherapy to treat this type of lung cancer. 
Non small cell lung cancer can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or a combination of these, depending on the stage when the cancer is diagnosed. Some people with advanced lung cancer may have biological therapy. 

If you have early stage small cell lung cancer you are most likely to have chemotherapy and then radiotherapy to the lung. People who are fairly fit may have chemotherapy and radiotherapy at the same time (chemoradiation). It is quite common for this type of cancer to spread to the brain. So doctors often recommend radiotherapy to the brain for people whose lung cancer shrinks with chemotherapy treatment. You usually have radiotherapy to the brain at the end of the chemotherapy treatment. It aims to try to kill any cancer cells that may have already spread to the brain but are too small to show up on scans. Doctors call this prophylactic cranial irradiation or PCI.
For very early stage small cell lung cancer that has not spread to the lymph nodes in the centre of the chest (the mediastinal lymph nodes), you may have surgery to remove the part of the lung containing the tumour . The surgery is followed by chemotherapy and sometimes radiotherapy. But usually the cancer has already spread at the time of diagnosis and surgery is not then possible.
If you have small cell cancer that has spread to lymph nodes or other areas of the body you may have chemotherapy, radiotherapy or treatment to relieve symptoms. If chemotherapy works well to shrink the lung tumour down and you are fairly fit you may also have radiotherapy to the brain to kill any cancer cells that may have already spread there.

  • Chemoembolization:Strong chemicals are used in chemotherapy that interferes with cell division process and damages DNA or proteins. The aim of these treatments is to rapidly divide the cells. The normal cells can be recovered from any chemical-induced damage whereas cancer cells cannot be recovered. The medicines in chemotherapy travel in a systematic way by passing from the complete body and destroying the original tumor cells that have spread in the whole body. Usually many therapies are combined that also includes many types of chemotherapy.

  • Radiation Therapy :Radiation therapy may be employed as a treatment for both NSCLC and SCLC. Radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays or other types of radiation to kill dividing cancer cells. Radiation therapy may be given as curative therapy, palliative therapy (using lower doses of radiation than with curative therapy), or as adjuvant therapy in combination with surgery or chemotherapy. Radiation therapy generally only shrinks a tumor or limits its growth when given as a sole therapy, yet in 10%-15% of people it leads to long-term remission and palliation of the cancer. Combining radiation therapy with chemotherapy can further prolong survival when chemotherapy is administered. External radiation therapy can generally be carried out on an outpatient basis, while internal radiation therapy requires a brief hospitalization.

  • Targeted Therapy :Targeted therapy drugs more specifically target cancer cells, resulting in less damage to normal cells than general chemotherapeutic agents. Erlotinib and gefitinib target a protein called the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) that is important in promoting the division of cells. This protein is found at abnormally high levels on the surface of some types of cancer cells, including many cases of non-small cell lung cancer.
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Wednesday, 8 January 2014

What is Oral Cancer and what are Diagnosis of Oral cancer

Oral cancer is part of a group of cancers called head and neck cancers. Oral cancer can develop in any part of the oral cavity or oropharynx. Most oral cancers begin in the tongue and in the floor of the mouth. Almost all oral cancers begin in the flat cells (squamous cells) that cover the surfaces of the mouth, tongue, and lips. These cancers are called squamous cell carcinomas. When oral cancer spreads (metastasizes), it usually travels through the lymphatic system. Cancer cells that enter the lymphatic system are carried along by lymph, a clear, watery fluid. The cancer cells often appear first in nearby lymph nodes in the neck.

Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the neck, the lungs, and other parts of the body. When this happens, the new tumor has the same kind of abnormal cells as the primary tumor. For example, if oral cancer spreads to the lungs, the cancer cells in the lungs are actually oral cancer cells. The disease is metastatic oral cancer, not lung cancer. It is treated as oral cancer, not lung cancer.
Oral cancer happens when there is something wrong or unusual in the normal cell lifecycle. This abnormal working of the cell lifecycle results in uncontrollable growth and reproduction of these cells.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer
  • Dramatic weight loss
  • Bumps or lumps, thickenings/swellings, rough spots or eroded areas or crusts on the gums, lips and/or other areas within the mouth
  • Ear pain
  • Persistent sores on the mouth, face or neck that causes bleedings and that do not heal within two weeks
  • A change in the way the dentures or teeth fit together
  • Pain, unexplained numbness, loss of feeling in any area of the neck, face or mouth
  • Change in voice, hoarseness or chronic sore throat
  • Unexplained bleeding in the mouth
  • Problem in speaking, moving the tongue or jaw, swallowing or chewing

Diagnosis  of Oral cancer

Medworld India offers comprehensive care for patients with Oral Cancer, including advanced diagnosis, best treatment options . A team of Surgical Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Medical Oncologists, Urologists, Rehabilitation team and other medical specialties work together to treat each Oral Cancer patient We consider each patient's type and extent of Oral Cancer to recommend the most appropriate treatment plan. They also carefully consider and select the treatment option that will allow the patient to maintain quality of life with good survival rate.

Why should you choose to get Indian hospitals offer the Best Cancer Treatment in India at affordable prices. MedWorld india associated Best Cancer Treatment Hospitals in India have the latest technology and infrastructure to offer the Most Advanced Cancer Treatment at low cost.

At MedWorld India Affiliated Best Cancer Hospitals are to deliver highest quality and advanced oncology care in a supportive and compassionate environment to all our patients, and to advance the treatment and prevention of cancers through innovative research.

MedWorld India Affiliated Best Cancer Hospitals in India offer:
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